human body

Can jin control humans?

Q: My question is about jin and aseeb. Can you please guide me on what are the views in Islam regarding jin and aseeb. Specifically, do jins have that much power to control the activities and every thing of humans. I mean, can jins control humans. As people nowadays say that a particular person is effected by jins. 

Animal Human hybrid

Q: With the advancement of science and technology, scientist and researchers in China, Europe or other Western countries are creating Animal Human hybrid or trying to create a human child from animals using stem cells or sperm of human and combining them with animals cells to produce human child and became successful to some extent. In future if due to such thing a human child is born from animals and one tends to drink the milk of those animals, so are the laws of foster relationship or “Razaat” develops with those animals according to Islam. Kindly explain in detail.


Q: I am a medical student, and as with many of us, dissection is an area that seems to be unclear. You have clearly stated that dissection should be avoided. Other research on the Internet (which is not always a reliable source) has shown that many fataawa have been passed in favour of dissection, with no clear proofs presented. My heart does not feel peace in this. Please can I have some direction, with clear reference/proofs to/from Quran
and Sunnah, on how I should reconcile my position. I wish to be a doctor some day InshaAllah, but I do not wish to earn Allah's displeasure.

Using human bodies to study anatomy

Q: There will be an exhibition called "body works" held in cape town soon. It is where the human body is displayed in its true form but in such a way that it educates people on how the body works and illustrate certain aspects of the human anatomy. It is very informative and I would like to attend since I am in the medical field. The only thing is that those are actual human bodies which obviously have been preserved for this purpose. Is it islamically permissible to view these bodies or attend such an exhibition even if it is being done very professionally and discreetly?