Having hope in Allah Ta'ala

Q: I want some advice from you:

1.I have done many things which is clearly disrespectful to Allah. Whenever I am in any bad situation or insulting situations I blame Allah and get angry.Actually I am really fed up.From the very beginning of trying to be a practicing muslim I am facing situations which have no explanation,situations which indicate that Allah is dissatisfied with me,I get insulted in front of people many times.I made tawbah for disrespecting my mother and seeked help to not doing this again but it became more difficult..even when I seek help from Allah for ease of impressing Him it became so much difficult specially salah has become a nightmare..I seeked help from commiting any sin..such as- I had to go through MRI and I didn't know if there would be non mahram I prayed to Allah to protect my parda but the situation was such that I had to face two males without my borkha hijab completely unintentionally..whenever I do a sin I don't feel like making tawba or make tawba but I know I will repeat it..because I think ,Allah gives tawfik to do something good in the same way it is in his control that someone will not do the sin or do the sin..so He is not helping me..and i am getting insulted in front of people..so the relation with Allah has become weak..also in my mind always negative things about different people goes on always..so I also have become rude..

2. I have a friend whom I don't ferl good to be with..as she is very controlling and negative.she always complains about this and that,her life to me.I try to be patient with her.she also has a problem,she is secretly married to someone but she has emotion for another person and she is so very much depressed.I told her to make lots of dua.she also talks about him which i hate but can't express to her .The problem is she thinks me as her best friend and shares with me everything.in this case if I ignore her she will really get hurt and become alone..but my mental peace is getting ruined..what should I do?

A: Leave out all your own reasoning and thoughts and be a simple muslim. Beg Allah Ta`ala's help and thereafter try as much as possible to leave out all wrong and doubtful areas. In the event you fall into some wrong ask for forgiveness. Assign matters to Allah and not to yourself. Just abandon your reasoning and thinking.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
