Questioning taqdeer

Q: I live in a Muslim country where majority live way below the poverty line. They have no roof, food or water. They live in slums amongst sewage, without basic neccessities of life. They are lucky to find scraps to eat!

My question is what is their fault? They know praying is obligatory but when you are spending your days scavenging for food in the trash, living in squalor how will the thought of praying even cross their minds? How will Allah let them enter heaven after death? Will they be forgiven?

A: I don't think you need to allow your mind to run around the administration of Allah. Continue doing as He has commanded you and Allah will see to you and to them as well. Fulfil your responsibility, and your responsibility is to fulfil the obligation and encourage others as well to the best of your ability. To forgive or sentence to punishment is not your work.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
