allah ta'ala

Bad thoughts of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I have a serious problem of blasphemous abusive words that comes frequently for Allah. Now I am just ignoring it but before I didnt know how to deal with them. A few years back, I used to correct those thoughts and repeat within my mind, by saying that Allah is great. And then I used to say blasphemy words to shaitan that you are this..... (bad and vulgar words). Sometime ago I was talking to my relative, and all of a sudden when I was correcting her I spoke those bad words for Allah. Since then I am very upset and have feeling remorse. Sometimes this thought comes that I am actually thinking these words on purpose.

Allah Ta'ala providing for His servants even though they disobey Him


1. Was it because of the mercy of Allah that the Bani Israel still received so many favours even after they disobeyed Allah in refusing to fight the Amaaliqah.

2. Is it possible that although Allah was displeased with them and continued to make them wander, he still provided for them although he was displeased with them? Is it possible that this happens with us also? That although we don't work towards propagating Deen, Allah still provides for us, but he is not happy with us?

Questioning taqdeer

Q: I live in a Muslim country where majority live way below the poverty line. They have no roof, food or water. They live in slums amongst sewage, without basic neccessities of life. They are lucky to find scraps to eat!

My question is what is their fault? They know praying is obligatory but when you are spending your days scavenging for food in the trash, living in squalor how will the thought of praying even cross their minds? How will Allah let them enter heaven after death? Will they be forgiven?

Making multiple intentions for good actions

Q: I understand that it is shirk to intend to do worship for the sake of Allah as well as someone else (that the intention should only be for Allah). Is it shirk to have both the intention to achieve something as well as to please Allah when you're doing tasks that normally are not worship?

Say for example, you are cooking, both to feed your family but also because you hope Allah will be pleased with you and reward you for feeding your family. Or, giving your mother a foot massage both to please your mother and to please Allah. Is this shirk? If not, how does it differ?