
Questioning Allah Ta'ala

Q: If this worldly life is a test for the eternal neverending hereafter life in hell or heaven then why to bring a new innocent infant into this test of worldly life and afterlife test of heaven or hell after knowing that the probability of going to hell is extremely high? What is the reason of bringing children into life without selfish reasons? Even it is not compulsory?

The concept of taqdeer and the purpose of life


1. What is the concept of taqdeer and Allah knowing and deciding our taqdeer?

If dua can change taqdeer, then does Allah not know of the dua or is dua bad? But we are supposed to ask in dua.

I feel like when I make dua that many times it does get accepted and come through, but most of the time it later backfires and the same thing that I was given causes me more pain and suffering.

2. What is life's focus supposed to be and why should we do it? What is my personality supposed to be like as a Muslim?


Q: Please help me understand why Allah Ta'ala would grant you something that you have prayed for but it was not meant for you or it does not workout in the long run.


Q: If something is meant to happen it will happen, even I believe in this not even a single leaf falls without Allah's permission. But my question is should we try getting what we need or should we just wait for that thing to come to us automatically.

Questioning taqdeer

Q: I live in a Muslim country where majority live way below the poverty line. They have no roof, food or water. They live in slums amongst sewage, without basic neccessities of life. They are lucky to find scraps to eat!

My question is what is their fault? They know praying is obligatory but when you are spending your days scavenging for food in the trash, living in squalor how will the thought of praying even cross their minds? How will Allah let them enter heaven after death? Will they be forgiven?


Q: Can you prove solipsism wrong? Solipsism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. I mean, you don't know whether others have feelings just like you or not, but you will just see that they are crying but can never be sure of the fact they actually have feelings.