Imaan of a person who says "Ya ghous al madad"

Q: What will be the status of the imaan and the nikah of a person who has fallen into bidah and makes statements as "Ya Shaykh Al madad" addressing his shaykh or addressing Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jailani "Ya ghos al madad"?

Will we still consider such a person as a Muslim? If he repents from these actions, will he have to repeat his nikaah with his wife?

A: These statements are made in pure ignorance and jahaalat. A person who makes these types of statements must be corrected. In the books of aqaaid it is stated that the person who believes that the souls of the mashaayikh are present with him all the time then this is a type of kufr and disbelief.

If his beliefs were not corrupt then he will not need to repeat his nikaah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
