Having doubts about Islam

Q: If a Muslim has a doubt concerning an Islamic thing, like he heard someone say something about Islam but its widely accepted thing and he gets doubt that if its true or not. If true where is the proof? Like these thoughts. Now I he gets free time and wastes it. Will he be regarded as a kaafir?


A: As a muslim, he has to believe in all elementary matters, like believing in the five pillars of Islam etc. These are all compulsory matters. Not believing in a single one renders a person out of Islam. In secondary matters, if he has a doubt he has the right to clear the doubt. For example, if he has a doubt whether Surah Faaithah must be recited behind the imaam or not then if he dies in this condition insha-Allah he will be a muslim as long as he keeps trying to look for the truth.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
