Doubts regarding one's Imaan

Q: I suffer from doubts regarding many things. I am constantly remembering jokes and statements I made in the past that may have been statements of kufr. I have recently read about people singing certain songs that may have taken them out of the fold of Islam. Alhamdulillah I do not listen to music anymore. However I remember listening to and singing the same songs many years ago. I did not know the meaning of these songs at the time. I am now doubting the validity of my nikah and legitimacy of my children due to my actions prior to and after nikah. Is my nikah valid if I have commited these actions prior to nikah?

A: Obviously, after you had made these statements you must have read the kalimah in some form or the other, perhaps in namaaz. The marriage is valid and insha Allah all your children are legitimate. For the future, keep a distance from all this and where you can discourage others then do so.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
