Performing Salaah behind a Salafi Imaam

Q: Please give us guidance on the following:

1. We hear that Salafi’s don’t follow any Mazhab. Does this mean they are on the wrong path?

2. Will it be permissible to perform Salaah behind a Salafi Imaam and will the Salaah be in order?

3. Are the Saudi Imaam’s Salafi’s?

4. Does being a Salafi affect your belief’s, Imaan, fasting, haj, etc.?

Your comments will be appreciated.


1. If they are freelancing i.e. they do not have the right equipment to arrive at the right answers and conclusion then obviously they are wrong.

2. If he is careful and understands that he has to respect the views of other imaams as well then the namaaz is permissible.

3. We understand them to be Hambalis. You may refer to others as well.

4. As above, if someone is freelancing then everything gets affected.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
