Closing the doors and covering food at night

Q: I have a question about sunan actions to do in the evening. I know it is recommended to close the doors saying Bismillah, cover the food and drinks, turn off the fire for example in the stove or in the fireplace, when it falls in the evening.

But I have a practical doubt: doors should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time? And the food and the drinks should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time?

I ask this because on some sites I read conflicting versions, some say before, others later, others still say to do these actions after a portion of the night has passed. Maybe all these versions are right, but I do not know. Please clarify.

A: The night commences with Maghrib. These types of precautionary measures are supposed to be taken at night.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
