
Q: If our taqdeer is written, then why are we punised for the sins we commit?

A: One is obligated to believe in Allah Ta’aala, the Messengers, the Malaaikah, all the Heavenly Scriptures, in the Day of Judgement, Jannat and Jahannum, and in taqdeer in order for his imaan to be complete. However, one is not obligated to know the reasons why we are commanded to believe in these doctrines. One will be questioned for not believing in the Day of Judgement. One will not be questioned for not knowing the reason for Allah Ta’aala bringing about Qiyaamah. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instructed the Ummah to believe in taqdeer and not to delve into its reality. The basic understanding of taqdeer which we are explained is that taqdeer means to believe that the ill and the good are pre-destined. Everything happens by the will of Allah Ta’aala. However, Allah Ta’aala has given man a choice between good and evil. For the good actions man carries out, Allah Ta’aala promises reward, and for the evil deeds man does, Allah Ta’aala warns of his punishment. Each person with his own choice carries out good actions or does evil deeds. No person is forced to carry out any action, whether good or evil. A person, who is caught for theft, is apprehended and imprisoned by the law. The law punishes such a person on account of him utilising his choice in the wrong avenue. Had he been forced by the law to steal, the law will not be justified in punishing him. Hence, Allah Ta’aala gives each person a choice between good and evil. Allah Ta’aala rewards the good doer for the good and punishes the evil doer for the evil. The meaning of taqdeer is not that we are forced to do any action. Allah Ta’aala will not punish a person for something Allah Ta’aala forced him to do.

عن أبي هريرة قال خرج علينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم ونحن نتنازع في القدر فغضب حتى أحمر وجهه حتى كأنما فقئ في وجنتيه الرمان فقال أبهذا أمرتم أم بهذا أرسلت إليكم ؟ إنما هلك من كان قبلكم حين تنازعوا في هذا الأمر عزمت عليكم عزمت عليكم ألا تتنازعوا فيه.(مشكوة المصابيح ص22)

فتاوى محمودية (3/89)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
