Aqeedah of Salafis

Q: Some Ulama from the Deobandi school of thought have included the Salafis as a part of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah and some haven't. They have done this primarily on the basis of Aqeedah. Someone also told me that Moulana Husayn Ahmed Madani had some 'Salafi' beliefs specifically regarding Aqeedah. After some searching I found it to be true.  If that is the case, and their Aqeedah is also correct, why should we then regard them as deviated? Isn't it just another valid ikhtilaaf from many. 

My second question is that, is there Ijmaa' on the compulsion of following a Mazhab, or is it only for the betterment of this pure Deen of ours?

A: To say that Shaykhul Islam (rahmatullahi alaih) subscribed to salafi beliefs is grossly erroneous. The topic of aqeedah can be best understood by those who have studied this topic very closely and correctly. And if it was not studied as it is supposed to be studied then this is just speculation. Our ulama will not consider these people out of the Ahlus Sunnah as long as they do not speak out against the aimmah mujtahideen and they do not harbour any type of malice for them and they restrict themselves to the statements of these imaams.

There is ijmaa on it as mentioned by Kamaal Ibnul Humaam (rahmatullahi alaih).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
