Published 4 years ago
Last updated 3 years ago
Q: I had a few qaza salaah that I needed to pray and I prayed them without specifying if it was Asr/Zuhr/Esha, since I had just written it down as 4 rakaat qaza.
Now I'm feeling extremely anxious because of waswasa that all my prayers were not valid. If they were not valid how can I repeat them if I don't know which time's prayer they were?
A:They were not valid. The salaah has to be specified.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
وإذا كثرت الفوائت يحتاج لتعيين كل صلاة فإن أراد تسهيل الأمر عليه نوى أول ظهر عليه أو آخره (مراقي الفلاح صـ 173)
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