Fasting and making Eid according to the region you are in

Q: I live in one region and work at another. Most of the time it happens, that the first day of Ramadhan/Eid in both regions differs. Like, the region of my home has the first day of Ramadhan and Eid one day before the region of my work. I am always at my work region at the start of Ramadhan and for Eid I always go to my home region. By doing so I usually end up having one day less of Ramadhan (one less roza) 28 Days of Ramadhan instead of 29.

Please advise how should I proceed with this. Should I start Ramadhan with my home region even while I'm in my work region although all the other people are not having Ramadhan there? Or Should I fulfill that one day of Ramadhan after the Eid in my home region?

A: You will start fasting according to the region you are in.

Yes, if the total number of fasts are less than 29 days.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)