Listening to recordings or watching videos containing kufr

Q: The questions are mainly how videos and recordings are regarded. I am from the Hanafi Madhab.

1. What is the ruling about listening to a recording which contains kufr? For example, I use a video blocker on YouTube and listen to recordings about various things whose topic is halaal. However, sometimes/maybe a lot of the participants of the discussion say things which are kufr or sin.

2. Is watching them supporting them, because of increasing the clicks or like watching a movie about only kufr or listening to a song with kufr? What if the channel has videos about haraam or kufr contents and has a video description with false things? What if the video description has symbols like the symbol of LGBTQ...? 

3. What is the ruling of loading a pdf or a news website with kufr? 


1. If you can destroy the recording then do so. Listening to such recordings can risk your imaan.

2. All forms of animated videos are impermissible and even worse when they have kufr. Totally refrain from it and make taubah.

3. If you are loading it to enjoy it or to encourage others then encouraging an act of kufr is also kufr.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
