Creation of the earth and theory of evolution

Q: How was the earth created by Allah Ta'ala?

Did Allah Ta'ala create all the animals and species that are present in the world today or have the species gone through evolution that made them so numerous?

Was the world that is today the same as when it was created? How long ago (in years) was the world created?

Was there a time when there were no humans in this world?

Were there dinosaurs in this world?

Also, I know that evolution through ape-like is not correct, but Darwin also says that birds and other animals have evolved. So for example, how there were birds with a certain type of beak but now those birds are on different places where their food is different so their beaks "evolved" into different shapes depending on whichever suited their environment better. Can we as Muslims believe this or not?

A: Evolution is not a fact. It is only a theory. So how can you be so foolish to entertain this baseless theory. Allah Ta`ala created all the species when and how He wanted.

When it was created there weren't the buildings that we see today and it was not populated as it is populated today. Apart from the man-made changes, the world is the same. The sun is still rising from the east and setting in the west. The sea water is still salty and the water in the clouds is still sweet. A note of caution is that it is not right for you to study these books and articles of evolution etc. which may corrupt your beliefs and could result in you going out of Islam.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
