Q: I am outsourced in an Islamic Bank in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Is my salary halal or haram? It if it is halal, then how much good or bad it is for my eternal life i.e. life after death, to work in an Islamic Bank?
My company, which outsourced me in the Islamic Bank is a big Information Technology Company and have outsourced about 15 more employees in the same Islamic Bank. These employees (my colleagues) are working for software development; and develop and test different software portals and websites for the same Islamic Bank. My responsibility is to develop software portals for different services of covered cards and sukuk bonds etc. to be used by bank employees (mainly operations’ department employees). Please provide your opinion and fatwa in this regards.
Secondly, the same Islamic Bank has given a 1000 AED gift voucher of amazon.com to each of my team members, to show the gratitude towards the successful completion of the projects. Is it halal for me to utilize this gift voucher to purchase items for my home?
A: From the little that we know of the so called islamic banks, we do not consider them to be shar`ee compliant. When we have discovered that they are not shariah compliant then it means that their earnings will not be right.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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