Collecting social grants paid by the government

Q: Is it permissible for Muslims to collect social grants paid by the government as alot of the taxes collected by the government is derived from the sale of haraam products and services such as alcohol and casinos. Just as cooking a large meal in a big pot with all halaal ingredients and then mixing the meal with a little bit of pork makes it haraam, does this principle apply to the collection of grants by this government?

A: The government has taken responsibility for looking after the weak and old citizens. Hence, it is permissible to accept government assistance. The comparison made between the grant given by the government to the citizens and of haraam food cooked in a pot with haraam ingredients is incorrect as the haraam ingredients will affect the entire food and cause everything to become haraam, whereas monies are such that it is acquired from different avenues, some from halaal and some haraam. Hence, the grant which one receives, one is not certain that it is acquired from haraam avenues.

Apart from this, there are many taxes which the government charges its citizens (eg. in the fuel, income tax, vat, etc.). The government claims that they are taking these taxes in order to assist the citizens at the time of accidents or need etc. Hence, the money which the government is giving the citizens in grants is the same money the citizens paid to the government.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)