
Encouraging people towards justice and righteousness in a democratic country


1. Is a Muslim sinful staying under a democracy in South Africa which promotes so much of wrong and atrocities against Deen and Allah?

2. What is the verdict of democracy in the light of Quraan and Sunnah?

3. Should Muslims speak out against the harms of democracy. If so then how?

4. Allah says in the Quraan that complete authority is only for Allah so is it permissible for us to keep quiet against democracy which promotes man's laws and man created legislation?

5. In countries like Pakistan who have permitted riba which is directly against the commands of Allah, is that equal to Kufr?

6. The people of democracy such as NATO want the restriction of Islam. They don't mind if Muslims are living but the moment someone speaks about establishing Islam then they are physically prepared to wage war with them as we have seen in Afghanistan. Hence, is democracy considered as a tool of Shaytaan considering the fact they don't want Islam to spread? Afghanistan has attempted to establish Islam and when America lost the war, they began placing restrictions and sanctions.

7. We are living in a democracy, should we be speaking about the harms of it? If yes, please advise how should we speak out against it?

8. Which books and resources can we refer to, to speak against democracy.

Collecting social grants paid by the government

Q: Is it permissible for Muslims to collect social grants paid by the government as alot of the taxes collected by the government is derived from the sale of haraam products and services such as alcohol and casinos. Just as cooking a large meal in a big pot with all halaal ingredients and then mixing the meal with a little bit of pork makes it haraam, does this principle apply to the collection of grants by this government?

Working while on a visit visa

Q: It has been 4 months since I came to Saudi Arabia on a visit visa. There is a man known to my father who has a business. He gave me a job in his business because he knew my father. Now the main thing is, is it halal for me to get this job on a visit visa? Because, I did not come here for work. And I'm working under the guise of the Saudi government. So is it halal for me to work? Or is it forbidden?

Following the law of the land that does not conform to shar`ee law

Q: I am 20 years old and live in the UK. Here we are obliged to have car insurance. Similarly, for delivering food etc. (Uber eats) we are required to have food insurance. Insurance companies don't supply that to us until we are 21, so right now, I do food delivery for Uber eats on a normal insurance. That would mean that I am not abiding by the law of the land, would that make my income haraam?

My dad is currently not working and I am paying rent for the house. Furthermore, I intend on buying another car in the next few months. If this income is haraam, when I am 21 and do the food delivery legally, but the car I use to deliver the food is from haraam money, does that make whatever I earn haraam?

If it is haraam, once I turn 21, can I repent and give the calculated amount I've earned up until I became 21, to charity? Would my income thereafter be halaal?