Who should participate in the ghusl of a deceased person?


1. Who should participate in the ghusl of a deceased person? Should it be done by the experienced people of the burial society, or should the relatives do it? What does the Sharia and Sunnat prefer?

2. A person gives a directive while living that his children should not do his ghusl because it will be an emotional/traumatizing experience for them and it is better done by strangers. Is this thinking correct?


1. It is better that the relatives do it. They should learn how to do it correctly.

2. Ignore this and they should take the courage and do the ghusl. At least this is the last khidmat that they have offered to their father. Maybe Allah Ta`ala will bless them for this khidmat that they offered.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
