
Who should participate in the ghusl of a deceased person?


1. Who should participate in the ghusl of a deceased person? Should it be done by the experienced people of the burial society, or should the relatives do it? What does the Sharia and Sunnat prefer?

2. A person gives a directive while living that his children should not do his ghusl because it will be an emotional/traumatizing experience for them and it is better done by strangers. Is this thinking correct?

Guidelines for a ghusal khana

Q: A ghusal khana was constructed in our locality. We want to put up a poster on the wall with a few guidelines regarding the ghusal khana,for example:

1. There should be no mixing of males and females.

2. Only those carrying out the ghusal and those assisting in the ghusal should be present, others should wait outside.

3. Silence should be maintained in the ghusal khana at all times.

4. No item of the ghusal khana should be removed for personal use.

5. No pictures or videos should be taken at any time.

We would appreciate if you could please correct and approve the above together with adding more points.

Delaying the ghusal of the deceased

Q: What is the ruling regarding delaying the ghusl and burial of a deceased person?

If a person dies at night or in the evening and it is possible to wash him/her that very day but burial can only be done the next day due to restrictions from the cemetery, is it better to wash him/her today or delay the washing till the morning of the day on which the burial will take place?

Can there be a time gap between washing and burying?