Sahib-e-Tarteeb making qadha of Zuhr Salaah after performing Asr Salaah

Q: I have a question about the Mas'ala of Sahib-e-Tarteeb:

1. If a person is Sahib-e-Tarteeb and he misses a prayer, for e.g. Zuhr. And then prays Asr and after praying Asr, he prays the Qaza of Zuhr. So obviously his Asr prayer is invalid. But what if after praying his Zuhr Qaza, he misses 6 more prayers. So he no longer remains Sahib-e-Tarteeb. So by missing 6 prayers will that Asr prayer which he offered becomes valid?

2. What if he then again offers all those 6 prayers' Qaza and again becomes Shahib-e-Tarteeb, will now his Asr prayer become invalid again?


1 & 2. In this case, his asr salaah became nafl. After the asr salaah became nafl, it cannot take place as fardh.

The principle in regard to this masalah is that if a saahib-e-tarteeb misses a fardh salaah, he is supposed to make qadha of the missed fardh salaah before performing the next fardh salaah. If he does not perform the qadha of the missed salaah and performs the next fardh salaah while remembering that he has missed a salaah, then the fardh salaah which he performs will be pending as well as four fardh salaah which he will perform thereafter.

After performing five salaah, when the time of the sixth salaah enters, then all the five salaah that were pending will now become valid and take place as fardh salaah. For example, a person missed his zuhr salaah, then he performed the asr salaah while remembering that he had missed the zuhr salaah. The asr salaah will take place but it will be pending. If he continues to perform four salaah thereafter (i.e. he performed maghrib, esha, fajr and zuhr of the following day after the asr salaah), then once the time of asr of the following day enters, all the five salaah which were pending will now become correct and take place as fardh, and he will only have to perform the qadha of the zuhr salaah which he missed.

However, if he makes qadha of the missed zuhr salaah anytime before he performs the fifth salaah, e.g. he missed zuhr and performed asr, maghrib, esha and fajr of the following day, and then performed the qadha of the missed zuhr salaah, then in this case, all the fardh salaah which were pending will now become nafl and he will have to make qadha of all these five salaah (i.e. he will have to make qadha of the zuhr, asr, maghrib, esha and fajr salaah).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)