Performrng salaah without a kurta

Q: Can a person read Salaah with a Topee only and no Kurta?

A: If you are referring to a male performing his salaah with a topee while wearing pants and shirt, then the salaah will be valid as the body is covered with clothing. However, it should be borne in mind that even though the salaah is valid, one will not receive the full reward of performing the salaah according to the sunnah manner. Performing the salaah according to the sunnah manner will earn one the full reward of the salaah.

The sunnah manner in performing the salaah is considered in five aspects:

1) Fulfilling the postures of the salaah correctly.

2) Performing the salaah with complete devotion and concentration.

3) Performing the salaah in the sunnah attire

4) Performing salaah upon the prescribed time

5) Performing the salaah in the musjid with jamaat for males (and in the confines of the home for women).

When one performs the salaah according to the sunnah manner, then one receives the full reward of the salaah. Hence, the Hadith has emphasized the importance of performing the salaah with the above mentioned five aspects.

Therefore, it is in keeping with respect that the salaah be performed while wearing the sunnah attire (i.e. while wearing a topee and a flowing, loose, non-transparent garment e.g. kurta, jubbah, etc.). Performing salaah in the western attire i.e. while wearing a shirt and pants is against the sunnah. Apart from this, many a time, the pants are tight fitting and the contours of the body (i.e. the satr area between the navel and knees) are visible. Performing salaah in such tight fitting clothing is not permissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)