Using the loop as a contraceptive

Q: Please clarify this matter for us:

1. In the case where a lady gets very sick during pregnancy, and is vomiting and unable to eat properly etc. for months, and hence needs a gap between pregnancies to recover physically and mentally, will it be permissible to utilise the loop as a contraceptive?

2. For normal spacing out of children, i.e. a lady doesn't get very sick or anything but just to space the children out, will using the loop be permissible?

A: After studying the way the loop is used and the effect it has in acting as a contraceptive, we understand the following:

a) At times, it terminates the pregnancy before conception and at times after conception. In the case where it terminates the pregnancy after conception, then this is not permissible as it amounts to abortion (even though it is taking place in the beginning stages). Aborting the foetus, even in the beginning stages, is not permissible (unless one has a valid sharee excuse).

b) In order for the loop to be inserted, a woman will need to expose her satr before the doctor. Exposing the satr even before a female is not permissible without a genuine need.

Hence, in view of these two above mentioned reasons, we discourage a woman from adopting this form of contraception. If there is a need, then other forms of contraception which do not contravene any law of shariah may be adopted.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)