Contraceptives and Infertility

Using the loop as a contraceptive

Q: Please clarify this matter for us:

1. In the case where a lady gets very sick during pregnancy, and is vomiting and unable to eat properly etc. for months, and hence needs a gap between pregnancies to recover physically and mentally, will it be permissible to utilise the loop as a contraceptive?

2. For normal spacing out of children, i.e. a lady doesn't get very sick or anything but just to space the children out, will using the loop be permissible?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) due to medical reasons

Q: A woman has been having recurring miscarriages. She has had 4 miscarriages in 9 years. Between the first 2 miscarriages and the last 2 miscarriages she gave birth to a child who has been diagnosed with a genetic disorder which manifests as global developmental disorder.

After several consultations with gynaecologists, fertility specialists and genetic specialists, it has been determined that there are two highly likely reasons for the recurring miscarriages.
1. The shape of the womb which can be surgically corrected.
2. Genetic disorders which spontaneously occur when the embryo is formed (Both parents are not carrying any defective gene or any translocations).

The fact that she already has a child with a genetic disorder, there is a possibility of future children being born with a genetic disorder and/or miscarriages to recur.

She has been advised to pursue IVF. Whereby her eggs (number varies according to production in the ovary) are extracted and her husband’s sperm is taken and fertilization takes place outside the body (tube). The embryos are then tested for genetic disorders and the defective ones are discarded. The best one or two are implanted in the uterus and the rest of the non defective ones are kept safely for future use. If they are not used within a stipulated period they are discarded.

Due to the above medical reasons, is it permissible for the woman to pursue IVF treatment?

Surrogacy in Islam

Q: Is surrogacy allowed in Islam? Can an individual use his sperm and another lady's egg to be fertilised after which she will carry the baby on behalf of his wife?

In the case where it is your sperm and your wife's egg, can another woman be the surrogate mother? I would like to know the permissibility and the reason for permissibility if there is. Can the womb be used as a rental space to carry a child? Is it like being a milk mother? If the woman carrying the child for someone else is married, what will be the status of nikaah? Can the surrogate child be your mahram?

In 1975, the television was regarded as not permissible, and also certain gelatine were also referred to as not permissible, and today our fatwas have changed regarding many matters.

What is your view on surrogacy, as it is not a sperm entering another woman, but an embryo that is a totally different form?