Advising a friend who is involved in a haraam relationship

Q: My friends brother is currently in a rehab. She was very close to him and she's finding it very hard. Shes in a haraam relationship due to this. I tried advising her but she said that it keeps her mind of her brother and that she doesn't know how to end the relationship. She feels that someone else will be able to fill the gap her brother left behind. What advice should I give her? 

A: Advise her to the best of your ability and explain to her that her relationship with her Creator, Allah Ta'ala, is more important than everything else in the world.

Though she misses her brother, but this does not justify her disobeying Allah Ta'ala and breaking her relationship with Him. Tell her that it does not behove a believer to be unloyal to Allah Ta'ala and to break His commands under any situation.

Continuing with this haraam relationship will only earn her the wrath of Allah Ta'ala and bring misery in her life. Hence, she should immediately end this haraam relationship and make sincere taubah to Allah Ta'ala.

If she does not pay heed to the advice you give her, then you should not befriend her, but rather keep a distance from her, so that the wrong that she is perpetrating does not affect you through befriending her and associating with her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)