Woman selling halaal food to a café that sells haraam food

Q: Can I sell my food which is Halaal at a cafe that sells haraam food e.g hamburgers etc.? 

I won't be there selling the food but I'll leave my products there to be sold by the owner of the cafe.

A: We are commanded in the Hadith to refrain from areas of doubt. In such a place where both halaal and haraam food is sold, there is the doubt and fear of contamination taking place between the halaal and haraam food or Muslims mistakenly buying haraam food. 

Hence, when this type of place is doubtful, Shariah commands that one refrains from such places. Therefore, Muslims will be discouraged from going to such places to buy food and Muslims will be discouraged from selling their halaal food in such places. 

Apart from this, when the café is owned by a non-Muslim, then a non-Muslim cannot be trusted in matters of halaal and haraam. The fuqaha clearly state that the non-Muslim's word in matters of halaal and haraam cannot be relied upon. 

There are many cases reported where kuffaar, for the purpose of commercial gain, have sold haraam meat to Muslims under the pretext of "halaal food". 

Therefore, for the abovementioned reasons, we advise you not to sell your food in such a non-Muslim owned café that sells halaal and haraam food..

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)