Should one purchase a car or save up for Hajj?

Q: I sold my car two years ago. 

I have saved money. 

After looking at the price of second hand cars and the age of vehicles available, I took mashwara from a senior aalim and decided to take a loan for one year and buy a new car. The car is not cheap but cars are quite costly. So it's the second from an entry level. 

I intend purchasing the car in the next few weeks. 

I then went onto the hajj portal and it showed my name will come for the next hajj. When I had checked in July and I contacted sahuc, they said two years. 

I would like to know, am I not allowed to buy the car because I will be in debt and in no position to go for hajj when the time of hajj dawns. I will be paying the car till the end of 2025. 

The second issue is I am using the car from work and my boss is not a stable person so I fear that he's going to make an issue of me using the work car for such a long period 

I have also had an option to get the car slightly cheaper but there was a waiting period so because of my boss I decided let me rather buy it now.

A: If you feel that you will be able to pay the interest free loan without difficulty, then you may purchase the car as it is a necessity. If hajj is not compulsory upon you, then you do not have to go for hajj.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)