Fertility treatment

Q: I have heard that IVF, as long as ONLY the Husband's sperm and the Wife's egg is used, is completely halaal. Also about fertility tests for men in order to get checked and have the sperm examined for any defects or problems etc. I wanted to ask that since these procedures involve masturbation, will it be allowed and what is the ruling on this? 


A: Though the child that is born will not be considered as an illegitimate child however we do not agree with this type of fertilising procedures. It is not in keeping with modesty, shame and self respect. Whoever adopts these shameful methods then it is likely that the child will also turn out to be disrespectful, shameless and unconcerned.

It is not allowed.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)