Published 10 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: When the Imam says Sami Allah Huli man Hamidah, I try to say Rabbana Wa la kalhamd. But before I finish saying it, the imam says Allah Hu Akbar and goes into sajdah before I have finished saying Rabbana Wa la kalhamd. In this case, should I:
- Stop saying Rabbana Wa la kal hamd as soon as the Imaam says the takbir and goes into sajdah?
- Continue to say Rabbana Wa la kalhamd while following the imam into sajdah?
- Do not say Rabbana Wa la kalhamd at all knowing that I won't finish it in time before the imam goes into sajdah.
A: Follow the Imaam and immediately go into sajdah.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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