Factors that break and don't break the fast

Mistakenly drinking water while fasting

Q: A person forgetfully drinks water in Ramadan. While drinking water he suddenly remembers that he is fasting. He stops drinking water but while he was remembering that he is fasting he might have drank a little water. That means he drinks a little water remembering that he is fasting, but he did not have any intention to break the fast. He then continues the rest of the day fasting. Is his fasting valid?

Forgetfully eating while fasting

Q: I have started qadha fasting of my previous fasts which I did not make up in time. Today accidentally in morning I forgot that I am fasting and talking to my friend she offered me sweet and savoury and I tasted some of both. I did not even remember after sometime that I was fasting when during conversation I told her I am fasting nowadays and realised that I was fasting and have eaten by mistake. I know in Ramadan you can continue the fast but I don't know if it applies to qaza roza as well. Please tell me if my fast is valid or do I have to do anything else?

Water entering the ears and using deodorant while fasting


1. While fasting, if a person takes a bath then, will the water entering the ears break the fast?

2. During wudhu, while doing the masah of ears, when we put our finger in the ear, will the water entering our ear break the fast?

3. After bathing will the use of deodarant (both spray and roll on) break the fast? Because it is said that the pores of the skin are open after bathing and the deodrant enters the pores thats how the smell comes when we sweat. 

Using scented tissues and Makkah oil while fasting

Q: I have two questions:

1. During Ramadaan, while fasting I had a terrible migraine. I applied Makkah oil (green box medicine) on my forehead. Would the smell break my fast?

2. In Ramadhaan, while fasting I was in Australia. I had a running nose and used something like a Vicks scented tissue. I didn't know it was scented. Then I was confused where the smell came from so I blew my nose again. Only then I realized it was from the tissue. I think I could feel the smell going down in my nose. Is my roza accepted or must I make qadha?