female student

Boy studying with girls

Q: I am a boy who studies in school. I am very shy and modest and I do not like to be mixed up with girls. In my class I am from the engineering group in which there are 3 girls and 2 boys including me. My friend is mostly absent, so I am the only boy studying with the other 3 girls. I am very tense because of this as this is against my nature and I cannot tolerate this.

Moreover, those 3 girls like me and irritate me intentionally by continuously looking at me, or speaking only when I ask questions from teacher and intentionally going into and out of the classroom near my desk. I am very worried and cannot even study properly because of this as thoughts about those girls constantly come to my mind. What should I do to get rid of these girls.

Women leaving the home to study

Q: I’m a college student and something has been bothering me lately. I study for all my exams and everything but I just can’t get good grades. I study almost everyday, I know everything in the exam it’s just that when I get the exam back I either failed or got a really low score. Also, there is always something that happens that end up making me depressed. I also pray to Allah to make everything better, I just wanted to know if there is anything that I should do to help me. 

Being casual with one's female students

Q: I am a working as a teacher from the past 7 Years. I had a student who be my student for 4 years. She wears proper Hijab/ abaya in my presence. In the third year she called me Baba (Father) and from then we became father and daughter.

Now my question for you is that is it allowed in Islam to have any relation like this?

Secondly and most importantly she sometimes puts her head on my shoulder and I, many times give bosa (kiss) to her head only. Till now the intentions are pure but is it allowed in Islam? or just to have relation is allowed or bosa (kiss) or other acts like this are not allowed.