private part


Q: I have sometimes frequent discharges. Once I found it out that there was nothing on my pad, but with a mirror I saw the discharge exiting the private part. Other time after wudu I took a mirror to check and saw inside white liquid discharge that was about to flow out, meaning had I not check it and made salah immediately after wudu I would make it with discharge out of the private parts. I have some questions here.

1. If I suspect the discharge to be in contact with my pad because it is at the edge of vagina, even if the discharge didn’t have time to fall to the pad – can I consider the pad clean or have to change it for salah?

2. After those episodes above, even if I see my pad clean sometimes I always have doubts if the discharge is at the edge of my vagina or even exited it. Do I have to really walk with a mirror and check it in my situation or what is the ruling here?

3. If I made my wudu and feel some movements in vagina like air or discharge, but not sure, do I have to take a mirror and check or can ignore? I am afraid that my salah will be void. By the way, is air coming from vagina breaking wudu?

4. If I check myself with a mirror and see some discharge is inside but not yet out, but about too. If I make my salah, do I have to check after salah if the discharge is out and I need to redo my salah?

5. As in 4. when I see discharge is about to flow I skip sunnas (except fajr), because I am the only Muslim at home and I don’t want my non-Muslim family to say that I spend a lot of time in toilet and only worshipping Allah. Is it ok in shaa Allah or I am trying to escape Allah’s test?