Factors that allow one to invalidate the fast

Fasting of a pregnant woman

Q: What is the sharee ruling regarding fasting in pregnancy:

a. If a woman who is in her third trimester leaves her fasts fearing that she will not be able to bear the hunger and thirst and might end up breaking the fast, will it be permissible for her to miss her fast with this intention?

b. Is doctor's permission required to leave the Ramadan fasts in such condition? What if she is not able to consult a doctor as nowadays due to coronavirus doctors are hardly available.

c. If such a pregnant woman often suffers from nausea and vomiting and misses her Ramadan fasts thinking that she might not feel well, will it be permissible for her to do so?

d. Under what conditions will the pregnant woman be allowed to miss her Ramadan fasts?

Breaking one's fast due to illness

Q: I am able to fast though I am not in good health. Lately I am suffering from bouts of fever for no apparent reason. I know that fever means that I have to break my fast. If I develop fear say an hour before Ifthaar, how long can I postpone Ifthaar and how close to Ifthaar can I break my fast so that my fast would still be valid for the day?

Breaking a qadha fast

Q: I know that we can break a nafl fast if there is an 'uzr (excuse). For myself as a diabetic, I assume that an 'uzr could be when I get very low blood sugar values which makes life difficult for me if I don't eat.

1. Is it also permissible to break a qada fast if you have an uzr?

2. If so, would you have to make one or two qadas? (i.e. do you have to make up the original fast as well as the qada fast that you broke, or only the original fast?)