
Placing items of a pious person or a piece of the Ka'bah cloth in one's kafan

Q: Some people, including pious people have some clothing of their pious elders (Buzrugs) placed in their kafan when they pass away for blessings or have themselves shrouded with the white cloth which is on the Kabah for blessings, is there any proof of this from the teachings of Nabi Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam), the Sahaabah, etc. and is it permissible or bidah?

In the above situation, the clothing of the pious elders which is put in the kafan of the deceased for blessings, does it benefit the deceased in any way and is there any proof of this?

Janaazah related questions


  1. Is putting itr on the kafn permissible.
  2. If someone made wasiyah for so and so to bath him, to give him kafan, to pray his janazah salaah ect. Will the wasiyah be fulfilled whereas the wali has more right for these things?
  3. What answer can be given about the qamees to the riwayah of Saheeh Boukhari that there was no qamees and imamah in the kafan of Rasulullaah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

Proofs from the Ahaadith with regard to the qamees


  1. The qamees for the mayyit, please give me the proofs for it. It is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari that there was no qamees in the kafan for Nabi Kareem (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
  2. Abdullah ibn Umar once saw a shelter on a grave, and ordered it to remove it. He said that it is the good deeds of the person who put him away. (Saheeh Bukhari). Give me the page number. Please give me the references.