Should the Janaazah Salaah be performed before the sunnat-e-muakkadah Salaah?
Q: Which should be given priority after the Fardh Salaah, the Janaazah Salaah or the sunnat-e muakkadah Salaah?
Q: Which should be given priority after the Fardh Salaah, the Janaazah Salaah or the sunnat-e muakkadah Salaah?
Q: In the presence of the mayyit’s father who is a normal layman, can the grandson or brother of the mayyit who is a Mufti deserve more the right to pray the janazah salaah than the Imam of the locality who is not so qualifyed?
Q: Where should the musalli look at the time of janazah salaah?
Q: Recently in Fort Wayne Indiana during the Salatul Janaza of a brother the woman wanted to pray along but the Imam who is Hanfai and another Shiekah who is Maliki told them that the sisters do not need to pray the Janaza and its for men only. I'm form Pakistan and this what I saw all my life that only men did the Janaza.
Please give the correct ruling on this issue.
Q: Will Janaazah salaah be performed for a person who has committed suicide? Will the person who has committed suicide be buried in a Muslim cemetery?
Q: Where should the imaam stand when performing the janazah salaah? By the head or chest of the deceased?