Customary practices

Dua after Janaazah Salaah

Q: Can you please explain to me the shar’ee ruling regarding making dua after the janaazah salaah? In certain places, after the janaazah salaah is performed, I see people raise their hands and engage in collective dua for the deceased.

Is this practice established in the Hadith? Some people try to prove the practice of collective dua after the janaazah salaah through the following Hadith. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said,

إذا صليتم على الميت فأخلصوا له الدعاء (سنن أبي داود رقم 3199)

“When you perform janaazah salaah upon any deceased, then sincerely make dua for him.”

Does this Hadith refer to making dua for the deceased after janaazah salaah or does it refer to making dua for the deceased in the janaazah salaah?

Feeding guests at a funeral

Q: What is the Shari ruling regarding being a part of the committee system, which is widespread in our area. People of a community contribute some amount every month e.g Rs. 300 per month. Whenever there is a death in the community, this committee comes forward and the collected amount is used to bear the expenses of the kafan, qabar and meals for 3 days for the guests who visit the family of the deceased. Should I become a part of this committee?