
Parents receiving the reward of good deeds carried out by their children


1- In a bayaan it was mentioned that the parents receive on going reward from their children after the parents leave this world. Please explain whether this is correct?

2- A brother (who has children and their mother, has passed away) asked if the good deeds his children carry out will be rewarded to the woman who he marries , because that person will play the part of a mother?

3- Also if the brother marries again and if the new wife gets the reward of of his children, does that effect the reward for the real mother of the children who has passed away?

Placing a sticker in the Qur'an stating that it is for esaal-e-sawaab

Q: Is it permissible to stick the following in the Quraan Majeed for esaal-e-thawaab?  “This Quraan Majeed has been donated for the esaal-e-thawaab of the virtuous soul of our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) , to my father _____, my mother _____, brother _____ and sister _____ and all the Muslim men, women and children.”

Conveying the reward of good deeds to the deceased

Q: If a person recites some portion of the Qur’aan and thereafter conveys the reward of the recitation to a deceased, will the reward reach the deceased and will the deceased benefit through the recitation? Some people claim that neither does the reward reach the deceased nor does the deceased benefit from the recitation in any way. They claim that this is proven through the verse of the Qur’aan

وَ اَنۡ لَّیۡسَ لِلْاِنۡسَانِ اِلَّا مَا سَعٰی

And man does not deserve but the reward of his own actions

Is this claim correct? Is there any proof or evidence in the Mubaarak Ahaadith that the reward of the recitation reaches the deceased and the deceased benefits through it?