secret nikaah

Secret nikaahs

Q: A Muslim man leading a happy married life, but out of sympathy want to marry another widow woman, and give her a life, but he is doesnt want his first wife to know immediately about his decision of taking up another wife, but later on after an year he would slowly let know his first wife know about the second marriage, so is this cheating? Will his first wife curse the second wife? Should this widow marry this man? Is she becoming a reason of pain for his first wife?

Marital problems

Q: I am married to a man who has already a first wife and children I am his second wife. I am very upset. I married him but my parents don't know About the marriage and his parents either don't know but his wife does. About our marriage, he lives with her I always fight with him over one thing I told him why don't you meet me more and for long time why always for few hours every 2 weeks because he lives three and a half hours far from where I live he doesn't text me in front of her, he doesn't call me in front of her but he does all this when he is with me. I feel hurt with this behaviour. I told him you are not treating me well and fair. All he has to tell me that he will be fair with me once I come live with him but my parents do not know about our nikah. So I told him you have to wait but you have to treat me fair in eyes of Allah. I am your wife. Please help me.

Secret marriages

Q: I want say that I got married due to my parents forcing me but I want a second nikaah with a girl whom I like but my parents are not allowing me. So I decided that I will do a secret nikaah. I want to know is it wrong or right according to Islamic law?

Secret nikaah

Q: If a boy and girl get married with two witnesses, is it valid by him asking and she agreeing to the marriage? Also what is the ruling on marrying a girl older than you by a few years?