Factors that make Zakaat compulsory

Zakaat on compulsory pension/provident fund

Q: My company has a compulsory pension/provident fund that I am compelled to join. There is no option not to join. I was aware of it when I joined the company, and I signed all the necessary paperwork. Does it still count as a pension fund that is forced upon me, and do I still need to pay Zakaah on the payout. If Zakaah needs to be paid, then on what amount. Usually, the company takes off a certain amount off your salary, and puts it towards the pension fund. You have no access to this money while in the employ of the company. When you leave, the company subtracts off the tax portion, and then only gives you what is left. Does zakaat need to be paid on the full amount of the pension, or only the amount that is actually paid out (which has the tax subtracted)?

Zakaat on property


  1. Is Zakat due on the current market value of the land or the original value at which it was bought given that the land is still in my possesion? Also the intention of buying this land is to build a house for personal use.
  2. In order to avoid Riba (interest) to buy a house without mortgage, I am intending to buy land(s) such that after few years I will buy a house for my own personal use after selling 1 or more lands. Is Zakat still due on this land(s)? If yes then on principal amount or current market value?

Zakaat on graded Mandela coins

Q: I have a few graded Mandela R5 coins (year 2000 and 2008) that I have acquired. They are legal tender, but because of their demand and rarity, I bought them for a few thousand rands. I purchased them with an investment intention. How do I pay zakaat on them?  The coins have no gold or silver in them.