Factors that make Zakaat compulsory

Some Zakaat related Questions


  1. Have a sum of money in a Credit Union (CTCL) as savings eg $15,000.00 and receiving divident annually?
  2. Have a saved sum of $10,000.00 in an insurance company for a term of 5 years. After completion of five years will receive $10,000.00 plus bonus for 5 years?
  3. Have a sum of money in FNPF (compulsory savings from governments salary for the job we do) and the governments adds some amount to it annually may be as interest/divident or bonus. 
  4. Have a house from which we receive rent as income,which we use to pay the rent of the house we staying in. 
  5. Could zakaat money be given to a person who is on a home loan for the house he is living in.He makes the payment of loan from his salary and also from the rent he receives from a flat attached to his house.
  6. Could zakaat money be given to a muslim person who married a converted muslim for the payment of the home loan in which they live, as both of them do not follow the muslim culture anymore. 
  7. Is it right (Halaal) or not. I am paying insurance for my ownself from my salary so that if I die due to some reason the sum insured could be given to my kids or life partner so that they do not find difficult financially for some time.Or if I have an accident the money could be given to me so that I can meet my own living expenses when I cannot earn anymore.

Zakaat on property


  1. If we have bought land at a cost of 10lakhs & we kept that land for a period of 6 years & then we sold at 26.5 lakhs. Do we have to give zakaat on that 6 years? Do we have to give zakat on the profit we got  from it? How much do we have to give 2.5%, less or more?
  2. If I have a property and no income is coming from that property then do I have to give zakaat on cost of that property?
  3. I have a house in which i am not living, but i rented that house. Do I have to give zakaat on the rent I am getting from that house?
  4. We have to give zakaat on gold no doubt. On what rate do we have to give zakaat? On the present rate or on the rate at which we bought it?

Zakaat on Money Returned by a Supplier

Q: If I transferred monies 3 years ago to a supplier overseas, and until now, the supplier has not sent me the goods nor has he returned my money up until now, do I have to pay zakaat on this money. The money is sitting with him 3 years and he might return the money within a month? Do I have to pay zakaat on this money which is not in my possession for 3 years now?