Gold, silver and cash

Paying Zakaat in gold

Q: Can zakat be paid off in gold? Instead of selling some of the jewellery to pay zakat can we distribute some of the gold as zakat? For example we have to pay Rs, 52,000 in zakat, so we distribute 4 gold bangles equalling 1 tola of gold which would equal Rs.52,000 (assuming market rate is 1 tola=52,000.). Is this okay? Or do we have to sell the 4 gold bangles then pay the zakat in cash?

Zakaat on gold and silver jewellry

Q: One of my mother's sister lives in UK. She gave a gold necklace, a pair of ear rings, finger ring and a pair of bangles to my daughter (who also stays there after marriage) to give it to me so that I can use it in my daughter's marriage. My daughter has given it to me, but I don't want to keep such a precious gift.

  1. What can I do?
  2. Shall I need to take out zakaat for that?

Zakaat on Gold

Q: I would like to know the correct method for paying Zakat on Gold. As far as I know we have to pay 2.5% of the total gold we own converted to the currency of the area you are living in.

Calculation of Nisaab of Silver

Q: In the following article on your website:… is mentioned that "Every adult Muslim, male or female, who owns 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent in money, personal ornaments, stock-in-trade or any other form of wealth which is surplus to his basic needs, is under an obligation to offer a Qurbani."
Can you please give the reference of Hadith or other authentic books as to how the figure of 613.35 has been deduced?

Nisaab of Zakaat

Q: A young Mufti (scholar) said to calculate zakaat based on gold. Now he changed his ruling and says to give it based on silver. So, based on gold, the zakat was 3000$. Today when he told the people to do it based on silver, todays silver price was 500$. So what must the people do on paid zakaat, count what is paid on gold as okay and from here on pay of silver?