Recipients of Zakaat

Giving zakaat to a person that one thought was eligible to accept zakaat

Q: I would like some advice on the following matter:

During this year's Ramadhaan, I distributed a portion of my zakaat to a person who was previously regarded as eligible for receiving zakaat. Today, I found out from a family member that after enquiring from their local Ulama, they found out that this person is no longer a recipient of zakaat.

Please advise whether the zakaat will be accepted or whether I have to distribute the sum of that amount again as Zakaat.

Being eligible for zakaat

Q: I am zakaat liable and collect zakaat from time to time from people, however this month I collected a large sum. Can I take out money for my kids Madrasah fees, transport fees and whatever I wish to pay for in the future and keep it aside so on a monthly basis I will have enough to pay for my expenses?

Example, I take out R1200 and keep it aside for fees from April till July so when I get my salary I can use that for other things I require.

Will I still be able to collect zakaat after this?

Will one be eligible for zakaat if he owns properties over and above his needs?

Q: Please advise with regards to the following situation:

1. Yusuf is indebted for R1 million. Currently he has no means to pay the amount. He is working and earning a salary of R20000 pm. However this merely suffices for his monthly household expenses. He is therefore unable to pay anything towards the debts owed.

2. He owns a twenty five percent share in a property which is vacant. The value of his share is approximately R1 million.

3. He owns a share in a business wherein he is a sleeping partner. He is currently not earning any income from this business though there is expected capital growth. His share is worth approximately a million rands.

4. He has another freehold property which he lives in, worth approximately R2 million.

QUESTION: In light of the details above, is he eligible to RECEIVE zakaat? (Some persons are prepared to help him with zakaat so that he can settle his debts).