Recipients of Zakaat

Taking Assistance Through Zakaat to Pay Expenses

Q: I earn a salary of R13000.00 and I have seven children. Alhamdulillah, my expenses of rental, lights and water, maid, school fees, an interest free loan that I took to buy a car and petrol add up to R8700.00 which doesn’t leave us much for Food, nappies, clothing and medical. Am I justified in approaching someone for a monthly assistance in the form of zakaat to pay either my rental or lights and water? Neither my wife nor I own any gold or jewellery. A flat that my mother is presently occupying will only become mine after her demise, may Allah grant her long life, aameen. My father left property in India for us but I do not possess the means or the knowhow of acquiring this. 

Giving Zakaat on the Pretext of Wages

Q: There is a destitute Muslim woman who is deserving of Zakaat, but feels embarrassed and does not accept it. An Aapa wishes to give her Zakaat. I shall be running a home-school next year, Insha-Allah. The Aapa suggested that I take assistance from this destitute lady in the form of student supervision, and she will give her the Zakaat and tell her that it is wages. Whereas, the Aapa and I both know that it is not wages as it is not an employment as such, and as she is very sickly, she will only come when she is well. I would like to know if the Aapa's suggestion is permissible.

Doubting after Discharging the Zakaat

Q: Recently I went for Haj Alhamdulillah. I had taken my zakaat money with me to distribute to the poor in Makkah and Medinah. I had given the zakaat to the cleaners of the Haram in Makkah & Medinah. Someone told me that the cleaners collect a lot of money from others whilst others informed me that they are poor. I am not sure which category do they fall under. Please let me know if my zakaat will be fulfilled or do I need to re-take out zakaat?