Recipients of Zakaat

Paying off one's brother's debts with zakaat money

Q: If there are 2 siblings, one is fairly well off and the other is struggling financially. The “wealthier” one would like to discharge his zakaah.

The question is, can it be given to the struggling sibling, to settle debts. It would pay the credit card debts off and the card would then be cancelled.

Also, debts from medical bills that arose from the birth of their last child, which is with debt collectors. They pay small amounts, but with the interest so it does not do much and the amounts keep increasing. It would only be used for debt payments and no other purpose. Please advise.

Receiving zakaat if one does not have zakaat nisaab

Q: A person has two out buildings on his property which he rents out. One is attached to the house which he is living in, he is also earning a salary. His total monthly income is more than double the zakaat nisaab amount. However, by the middle of the month, he doesn’t have any money left. He also owes his wife and some relatives some money. Is it permissible for such a person to accept Zakaat?

Giving zakaat to one's brother

Q: We have a joint family system. I am financially stable but my elder brother is struggling to survive. He is married and his wife shares a kitchen with us.

My question is can i give Zakat to my elder brother? As i said we have a shared kitchen, so I'm afraid if i give Zakat to my elder brother and with that money he brings some food, so that food will be halal for me? Even though it is not my intention that my brother bring food and share with us, but if some day it happens then what should i do?

Giving zakaat to organisations

Q: Could Moulana please assist with the following regarding Islamic organizations collecting zakaat:

1. Are we (the committee) the wakeels of the donor or the recipient?

2. If we become the wakeels of the recipients, will the zakaat of the donors be discharged as soon as they hand over to any member of the committee?

3. In the case of na baaligh children who are a legible to receive zakaat, who is their wakeel/guardian? Can it be a member of the committee since these kids generally have non Muslim parents. (They attend madrasah in the locations but most of them are the only Muslims in their homes).

4. Any other advice or guidance will be much appreciated.

Giving zakaat to na-baaligh children

Q: Can we give zakat of 10 hazar ruppee every month to one brothers children who are small. The brother is divorced and he has to provide for his kids who are living with his ex wife. The brother has married again and has to support his wife and his dad and he earns so less that he cannot afford to give 10 hazar to his children. Can the sister and other family members like cousins pay zakat to him so he can pay his children?