Recipients of Zakaat

Giving zakaat to a paralyzed person

Q: My aunt is a stroke patient, she is mentally and physically paralised. I would like to help her with zakat money. Can I buy her medicines or other stuff for her with zakat money. Since she is not mentally stable I can not make her the owner of the wealth. She has a son and a husband but I dont trust them to spend the money on her.

When will one be eligible for zakaat?

Q: I am self employed. My business has been struggling for the past 7 months. I have not been able to meet my commitments by paying my suppliers who have now stopped my account. I am not able to provide for my family the way I used to. Allhamdullilah I have been able to provide food with the mercy of Allah. I know I can turn my business around with some financial help. I place my faith and trust in Allah.

My question is that when I ask for financial help, my fellow brothers want to offer me Zakaat. I am shocked, confused and don't know if I am a Zakaat candidate. Alhamdulillah I have everything besides money and no business. I am in big debt as well. Do I qualify for Zakaat, as I am not comfortable with it. I have to consider my family as well.

Giving zakaat to one's sister

Q: My daughter is 43 years old, and is divorced for 9 years already. She has two daughters, 13 and 7 years and a boy 7 years of age. She is living with me since 2011. Her children are living with me and are going to school.

As my daughter is educated, she started working with an MNC, about 120 km from our home. She comes home every weekend to see us and the children. I am 78 and have no pension or any work. My wife is 76 and a retired teacher. Now, we are running the house with what my wife gets as a pension plus the amount which my daughter can spare from her salary and a fix amount which one of my sons is contributing to run the house. The problem is that now, my daughter don't want to stay away from us and the children. She doesn't want to work anymore. Here at home, she can't get any job. In that case it will be very difficult to bear the expanses to run the house. She doesn't have any extra money or jewellery. So she herself can't pay zakat. My question is: Is she entitled to get zakat from her brother or any other relation? 

Paying a persons hospital bill with zakaat money

Q: I use to pay zakat to a mustahiq (one worthy of accepting zakat). During Ramadan, he had a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. He could not pay the bill. Neighbours collected funds to pay the hospital on his behalf. I also contributed to that fund through my zakat money. On getting discharged from hospital, he thanked me for my contribution. Is my zakat paid this way?

Assisting one's brother with zakaat money

Q: My younger brother is jobless and has a wife and baby. I gave him money from my Zakaat so he can go to the Middle East to find work. It's been few months and he is still looking for a job and meeting his needs there by using zakaat money which I gave him. His wife is in her home country and needs some kind of financial support to meet her and the baby's needs. His wife has jewellery which is worth more than US$5,000. My question is that since my brother has no income to support her and his wife is a house wife, can I give Zakaat money to his wife so she can fulfill her needs along with baby's?