Various masaail of zakaat

Paying zakaat monthly

Q: For better distribution and reaching to deserving people, is it allowed if one delays payment or distribution of (zakat, charity and other due payment) not on the spot but regularly (monthly) to needy people. He will finish all due payments before the end of the Islamic year. If it is allowed and the person passes away during the year, will he be sinful.

The method of deducting zakaat from a loan

Q: My maid had to return me a loan of 70 thousand rupees. I made up my mind to give her 30 thousand from my zakat money. I had 15000 zakat amount with me, when I gave it to her, she asked how much is it? I said its 30,000 as by that time I totally forgot that it was 15,000 and not 30 thousand. She returned it to me without counting and said that deduct this amount 30k from your loan. Later I remembered the mistake.

Question: is 15k discharged as zakat, or 30k? Should I deduct 15k from the loan amount or 30k?

What to do with money received from section 18A certificate?

Q: I would just like to enquire the following; Currently I contribute zakaat, sadaqah or lillah money to certain organisations,

•If one receives a Section 18A certificate for the above donations & money is received back again from SARS; what can this money be used for:

-Does this money have to be given back to charity?

-Can this money be used to pay traffic fines?

-Can this money be used for any other personal use?