Various masaail of zakaat

Paying a zakaat collector from the zakaat funds

Q: I have read in Ma’ariful Quraan (English) under the verse of "wal Aamileena alayha" that zakaat can be given to those collecting the Zakaat on behalf of the state.

Nowadays, many organisations in non-Muslim countries also collect zakaat on behalf of the organisation and then distribute it to its recipients.

My question is: Can the person appointed to collect zakaat on behalf of the organization be paid his salary from the zakaat money?

Using the wealth of someone who does not pay zakaat

Q: My husband does not pay zakah on his savings even after reminders that it is a fardh and the punishment of not fulfilling this fardh. My question is that he gives me momey for the maintenance of the house and for my needs and that of our children, is it sinful for me to use his money? I do fear that him not paying his zakah may bring a calamity (Allah Ta'ala forbid) on our family.

Claiming a tax rebate on zakaat discharged

Q: My wife transferred her zakaat to my bank account, I then forwarded the amount to an organisation to distribute her zakaat. Therefore, on paper it appears as if I have made a donation to this organisation, even though in reality it is my wifes contribution. Is it permissible for me to claim a personal rebate from SARS for myself for this donation? If I do claim a rebate, will the money belong to myself or my wife?

Wakeel using the zakaat and thereafter paying the zakaat from his own wealth

Q: I have a relative who is liable for zakaat. I informed my aunt that I am collecting zakaat for someone without giving the name. My aunt gave me R500 Zakaat. I then went to the shop for buying something but ran short of money. I used the R500 with the view of replacing with my own money later. I then took my own R500 and gave it to my relative. Is my aunt's zakaat discharged?

Zakaat related questions


1 . If i give zakat to anyone, is it necessary to tell them it is zakat money?

2. Suppose I have to pay zakat Rs 12000, can I give Rs 1000 in each month?

3. One of my friends distributes free rice to the poor, can I give him rice to distribute from the zakat money?

Can an organisation stipulate to the recipient how the zakaat money should be used?

Q: I would like to know if an organization that is responsible for collecting zakaah and also giving zakaah

1. Can give zakaah to a zakaatable person for building a house

2. Does that zakaah that has been given by the organization specifically to that person only for building of his house can be used for other purposes other than building of the house?

Unpaid zakaat of the deceased and fidyah for the missed Salaahs and Fasts

Q: I am required to pay the religious liabilities and obligations of my deceased father . I am unsure about the various categories of the obligations for e.g. unperformed Salaah, zakat , unkept fast. I wish to settle the amount up to a maximum of 1/3 of the estate but I am unsure how to categorize the payment . How is the obligation defined/ categorised?

Using money that was set aside for zakaat

Q: A man who owns a house and two cars, after a full lunar year he has taken out zakaat and put it aside to give out. However he falls ill and needs an immediate treatment. He goes to a private hospital but only has a certain amount of cash in the bank to pay the bill. He has no other immediate source of cash. Can he use that money which he set aside for zakaat or does he have to sell his house or car and use that money?