Calculating zakaat

Paying zakaat on gold and cash together

Q: For zakaat, the cash is totaled up and 2.5 % is to be paid, but gold jewellery and silver are they separate? For example, someone has gold above the nisaab amount, they evaluate its worth and separately, calculate 2.5 % from its worth, or do they add its worth to the cash total and pay 2.5 % on the lump sum? Or do the cash amount and gold amount separately?

Zakaat related questions

Q: I have relatives who were not on the straight path and ignorant about Islam and now I want to help them to do their zakaat, so I have a number of questions.

1. How do we calculate a date for Zakaat? They're both above the Nisaab. Do we calculate via picking a new date or by estimating when they last went above the threshold for zakaat?

2. How should the zakaat of the past years be calculated? From what starting point?

3. If one has a debt, but has money that is above the threshold amount, must he pay zakaat? But if the debt is paid then he will be below zakaat, will he be obligated to pay zakaat still if he doesn't pay the debt for a year?

4. How is Zakaatul Fitr paid and is it Fardh?

5. Is zakaat due on inheritance?

Zakaat on investments and loans


1. I invested some money in a company. Unfortunately, the company was a fraud. Government possessed all investments and it is still under investigation. Money is not in my possession any longer. Do I have to pay Zakaat on this?

2. I've loaned out money to a few people. No one has paid me back as yet. Do I have to pay Zakaat on this?

3. Do I have to calculate exactly 2.5% Zakaat or can I give more than this as Zakaat?

Zakaat of previous years

Q: My salary is 6500 qatari riyals among which I keep 2000 and the rest I give to my mother. From this 2000 in my bank I have around 24000 qatari riyals till now and I am working from 3 years. So should I pay zakaat and how to calculate it? I am 21 now and I never paid before but I realize I must make sure my money is paak and halaal. Please guide me.

Discharging the zakaat of previous years

Q: One has not paid Zakaat for a number of years. I'm now calculating the Zakaat for the current year. How should the liability in respect of Zakaat not paid previously be treated? Does one need to add the outstanding amount to debts and liabilities for the current year and the total amount then be deducted from one’s total Zakaat assets? If this procedure is correct, what then if, after deduction, the total amount does not reach nisaab? If the liability in respect of Zakaat not paid previously is not to be included in debts and liabilities for the current year, can the Zakaat for the current year be cleared immediately and the outstanding amount in respect of previous years be cleared gradually over a period of time?

Zakaat on pension fund

Q: I will be leaving my employer and would like to know how to calculate the zakaat on my pension fund withdrawal. I have worked at the current place for 4-5 years. Should I calculte zakaat on the value as it is on my last day or do I need to go back, work out the values on each year and then calculate zakaat on each year?