Times of Salaah

Salaah of a person who has urine drops problem and salaah time is about to expire

Q: A person has a urine problem, where if he goes to the toilet, for the next 30-45 minutes he cannot read salaah due to urine drops. If the time of salaah is about to end and the condition persists, does he have to make Wudu and perform salaah, or let the salaah become qadhaa and perform it after the time has expired. (The person is not a ma'zoor as the condition did not last for an entire salaah time)

Joining salaahs


1. Is our namaz valid if the Imaam combines two namaazes (zuhr-asr or maghrib-isha) as per Hambali maslak?

2. What is the procedure to be followed by a Hanafi follower if the bus driver does not stop for the maghrib prayer because the Hambali people do combine the namaazes later during isha?